North Fort Worth
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Welcome - what is this site for?

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Welcome - what is this site for? Empty Welcome - what is this site for?

Post  admin Fri May 07, 2010 8:29 am

Welcome to the North Fort Worth forum. This site is intended to help connect those that live in or work in North Fort Worth, Haltom City 76137; Keller 76244, 76248; Watauga 76148. Please look through the site and take part in our discussions. You're welcome to promote your business and services here as well.

What should you do now that you are here?
- Look through the site and get familiar with it
- Register, if you haven't already
- Create a one to three line signature to go on each post you create.
- Go to the 'Member information' forum and tell us about yourself
- If you offer a service or own a business, please tell us about that. Links to your website are welcome.
- Read through the guidelines below

What are the expectations of each member?
- This is a family-friendly site. Members will be courteous and appropriate in their speech, keeping a positive atmosphere.
- Each post (I'd recommend putting this is your signature line) will contain your location. You'll notice that the very first line of mine says the city, zip, and intersections near your home (and yours should too).
- This site is for the areas mentioned on the home page. Responses should be related to that immediate area. If your best answer is outside the area, please mark it with a Like a Star @ heaven so that we are alerted to that. Thank you. I really want it to be for our area as so many other sites are for a larger area.

What else?
- The site is free. It's free for me, so it's free for you. I love free stuff.
- I've tried to make notes on each section so that you know what they are intended for. I welcome your suggestions.

You use this site at your own risk. If you are going to meet someone, meet them at a public place. Admin, moderators, and members are not responsible for any problems.


Posts : 43
Join date : 2010-05-05
Location : Beach/Basswood FW 76137

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